To use your modem to connect to UNE you need some communications software.
One of the simplest types of communications software is a terminal emulation program. The job of a terminal program is to initialise your computer's serial port to talk to your modem, get your modem to dial a phone number, connect to a modem at the other end of the phone line, and then act as a terminal to the computer connected to the modem at the other end of the phone line. Most terminal programs will also allow you to transfer files between the two computer systems. This method of connection was used mainly before Internet connections dropped in price and became affordable. Some ISPs no longer support this method of connection.
A more sophisticated method of using your modem is to obtain software capable of making your computer an Internet host. This is usually done with software that enables the PPP protocol. PPP software comes standard with Linux and Windows. It is also possible to connect via PPP with Apple systems, OS/2 and many others, but these will not be covered in this document.
PPP connection software by itself is not enough to do many useful things. You use the PPP software to make a connection. Once that is established, other applications, often simultaneously, utilise this connection. These other applications are often called clients and can include:
Most of these applications come standard with newer Operating Systems like Linux, Windows, Mac. If you want to use Microsoft Windows 3.1, you will need some additional PPP software. You will also need to obtain telnet and FTP software to work with your Windows 3.1 PPP software.